Thursday, April 22, 2010

Institute of American Indian Arts to host the Spring Homecoming Powwow on May 8, 2010.

This is a periodic blog message by Aboriginals: Art of the First Person on the subject of tribal art. Aboriginals Gallery hosts web sites at Native JewelryLink,com, and

In what has become a tradition, the Spring Homecoming Powwow will be staged at the Institute of American Indian Art (IAIA) campus in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The public is invited to browse the powwow grounds, visit craft and art booths, and purchase items from Native food vendors. Spectacular Indian dances also will be performed, which are open to viewing by the public. There is no admission charge to attend.

Dancing starts at 11:00 am with the gourd dance, followed at noon by the Grand Entry, which will be repeated at 6:00 pm.

The head man and head lady are Ensley Aquilar and Elizabeth Nevaquaya, respectively, both IAIA students.

The northern drum will be Red Road Crossing. The southern drum will be Zotigh Singers.

If you would like more information, you may call 505-424-2339.

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