Saturday, April 17, 2010

Aboriginals Gallery featured in Fort Myers News-Press

It was a very pleasant surprise when Evelyn Longa contacted us on the phone and said she had been tipped that our online tribal art gallery would be a good subject for her Artful Shopper column.

After a brief telephone conversation, during which we answered Ms. Longa's questions, she said we would be in the following Monday's edition of the (Fort Myers) News-Press. We were excited with anticipation. This kind of editorial coverage has a lot of credibility. While we are proud of what do and have done, that's just us. A third party reference is worth a lot.

Came Monday and there it was. Ms. Longa did a very fine job of reporting. Now we would like to share it with you. Here is a link to the article in the News-Press archives.

There also was a nice photo of Susanne and me, so I have scanned the article and am posting a jpg of it.
Since search engines can read jpg images, I am going to add some links to this text. For more information about our web business(es) visit for African, Arctic and Australian tribal art, for hand-made American Indian jewelry, for authentic Pueblo pottery and for Zuni Indian and other Native American carvings.

We hope you enjoy what you see and will comment with any question you may have.

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