Southwestern Association for Indian Arts (SWAIA) has annoucned that a Winter Showcase will be held on Thanksgiving weekend in Santa Fe.
A special "early bird" session will be held on Friday, November 24, from 5 PM to 8 PM. with 100 artists' booths available for buyers willing to pay a $50 admission fee to purchase before the full event on Saturday, November 25. Admission will include a wine bar and hors d'oeuvres.
Saturday's event will open at 9 AM and continue until 4 PM with a $5 admission fee.
All events will be at the Inn and Spa at Loretta, downtown Santa Fe. For more information, visit .
By the way, the 86th Annual SWAIA Santa Fe Indian Market will be held on August 18 and 19. Based on occupancy rates at previous Indian Markets, it's not too soon to get your hotel reservations in.