Saturday, July 02, 2022

Celebrating Freedom

The Fourth of July Holiday officially celebrates “Independence” because the events of that date more than 200 years ago resulted in our Independence from a tyrannical foreign power.

But, using a different term, the ultimate outcome of those events was to preserve and protect God-given rights that make us free: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

So, in 2022 we celebrate freedom. Freedom for every citizen of the United States and for every legal, law abiding resident of those States. Freedom that includes the descendants of the original residents of what were to become those States.

We celebrate freedom with our Native American brothers and sisters who not only share it with us, but have defended it with vigor over the generations. Of special note, are the indigenous people who served in the theaters of World War II.

In memory thereof, we present this Navajo carved Color Guard of U. S. Marine Corps Navajo Code Talkers as a reminder of our shared heritage. It was created by Navajo carver, Renzo Reed. It has an honored place in our personal collection of Native American art.

Two other events of note:

We proudly salute the decision of Santa Fe's Museum of Indian Arts and Culture to open a new permanent exhibit, “Here, Now & Always”, this July Fourth weekend, despite the discouraging economic uncertainties we face as a nation today. If you are fortunate enough to be in Santa Fe in the coming months, including in August when SWAIA's 200th annual Indian Market is in session, take some time to go up to Museum Hill and enjoy this impressive retrospective.

Less impressive, but not without benefit to lovers of indigenous culture,, which now offers  now in “Free Shipping” mode. Any purchase made through the site - Arctic Inuit art,  Native American jewelry, Zuni and Cochiti fetish carvings -will be shipped free of charge to any address within the 48 mainland United States. No matter how many objects are involved, shipping is free.

May your 4th of July be filled with blessings, joy and moments of appropriately solemn reflection about the events we are celebrating.

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