Monday, June 24, 2013

Want to know how to cast glass? Check this out

Lost Wax Kilncast Glass / July 17-21, 2013
In this class you will learn how to make fully sculptural cast glass objects using the lost wax process. Steps in the process include creating a refractory mold around a wax model, steaming out the wax, calculating the amount of glass needed to fill the mold, curing the mold, and firing the work in the kiln. You will complete this process twice: first with a wax model we provide and then with a wax model you will build in class. Finishing methods will also be covered, including how to safely remove mold material from fired glass and how to alter fired surfaces using coldworking techniques. There are no prerequisites, though a background in ceramics or 3D modeling is helpful.


July 17-21, 2013

Wednesday-Sunday 10am-5pm

Max. Attendees: 
Where: Bullseye Glass Co., 805 Early Street Building E, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Resource Center Santa Fe is a one-stop destination for the full line of Bullseye sheet glass, stringer, frit, and powder – plus all the tools you need to work with them. We also offer classes for all levels in a supportive, inspirational environment.
Lifted from Santa Fe Creative Tourism Journey with gratitude. To view some outstanding blown-glass sculpture by Taos Pueblo's Ira Lujan, visit PS It's all on sale now at 30% off.

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