Thursday, April 18, 2013

A day dedicated to Mom? It just doesn't seem right.

Given her significance in your life, dedicating just ONE day to mother seems totally inadequate. From carrying you for nine months (in considerable discomfort, I might add) to giving you your first kiss, you first hug, and your first meal, and all the hugs, kisses and meals thereafter, she is the embodiment of love. 

On this Mother's Day, May 12, just a few weeks from now, acknowledge all that your mother gave you with a vivid symbol of your heart-felt love.

Native American Navajo artists have created exquisite sterling silver heart pendants, finished with beautiful inlaid gemstones, that make unmistakable statements of love. One of the most prominent and popular Navajo jewelry designers is Calvin Begay. His designs and detailed inlay and channel work is cherished by moms who wear them, for both their beauty and their symbolism.

Any order placed with us at before April 28 can be shipped US Postal Service for arrival in plenty of time to surprise and thrill your Mother on Mother's Day. And the shipping cost is free, absorbed by us.

Choose the heart you want to represent your love, use our secure order form or call 1-800-305-0185 (also free) and tell us where to ship. We'll do the rest.

Happy Mother's Day to all of our beloved mothers.

PS: All our “Native American Jewelry” is authentically created by American Indian artists. Not “Southwest Style” look-alikes offered by some vendors, but the real thing. It is guaranteed to please or your purchase price will be refunded if it is returned with 10 days after Mother's Day 2013

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