Thursday, October 11, 2012

Institute of American Indian Arts Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Aboriginals: Art of the First Person and our websites,, and, have watched the growth of IAIA for the 33 years we have been involved with Native American art and culture. We salute its contribution to Native American art.

So we join the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the world's only four-year fine arts college dedicated to the study of contemporary Native arts this Saturday.

The Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) will celebrate its 50th anniversary on October 13 with panel sessions on IAIA's impact on creative writing, museum studies, Indigenous studies and studio arts with astute alumni and faculty. Creative Writing Chairman Jon Davis, who is also Santa Fe's poet laureate, and award-winning poet Joy Harjo(Muscogee (Creek) Nation) will be part of Saturday's discussion. Other panelists include award-winning artist Tony Abeyta (Navajo) and Pojoaque Pueblo Governor George Rivera.

Other events include campus tours, garden and greenhouse tours, art demonstrations-- some using state-of-the-art equipment--and student films and art exhibitions.  

To view a historic interactive timeline of IAIA's 50-year history, go to

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