Monday, August 20, 2012

ATADA Theft Alert

Antique Tribal Art Dealers Association has posted an alert about the theft of the Sioux ceremonial gown pictured above from a Van Nuys CA. During the night of August 3-4, 2012, a small well-worn cardboard box containing the dress and jewelry pictured was stolen from a car in Van Nuys, CA. A reward is being offered if the items are returned in a timely manner.Please contact Diane Petersen, caretaker of the items. She is asking whoever took
the items to return them as soon as possible, phone 1-719-362-3558 or email .

Aboriginals: Art of the First Person and its associated online galleries of Native Art dealing in Zuni and other tribal carvings,, Native American Pottery, Native American Jewelry and African, Australian, Inuit and Navajo folk art, members of ATADA, post and report these theft alerts in the hopes that anyone approached by a seller of this stolen item can be identified. There is no statue of limitations in the USA for the possession of stolen goods.

Thank you for your help.

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