Friday, May 18, 2012

What's Your Gripe. The Business of Complaining.

It seems everyone has a "Gripe." The Occupy Wall Street crowds have a gripe. The TEA Partiers have a gripe. The Palestinians have a gripe. The Greek rioters have a gripe. Those gripes seem almost beyond reconciliation.  

What about the lesser gripes? 

Well, lesser to the media, but not so lesser to you when the flowers you order for Mother's Day arrive limp or the Made in America jewelry turns out to be made in China or an eBay purchase isn't quite what it is described to be.

What can you do besides fume and rant and gripe?

Not much if you have an unresponsive seller. It is the sign of a company that is more focused on itself than on the customer.  The irony is that the company that focuses on itself instead of its customer will soon have no customers to be concerned about.

Little satisfaction to the customer who feels cheated. There is much more comfort in doing business with a seller that guarantees its products. If you are buying sight unseen online, that guarantee is even more important.

When you order an item of Native American jewelry, a piece of Pueblo pottery or a Zuni carving, based on a description and a photo, you don't really know what you are going to get until you hold it in your hand.

When you order it from, or, be assured that you have a satisfaction guarantee in force for at least 10 days after you receive it. Any item that does not live up to your expectation, for any reason, send it back for a purchase price refund.

How serious are we? Recently, at Native-American-jewelry, we had a purchase refused and returned without even opening the shipping package. We accepted it and cancelled the charge. We doubt it was a dissatisfaction with the item. But that's not the point. The point is the guarantee is for satisfaction, under any circumstances. 

Do you have that kind of confidence in your seller?

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