Monday, April 23, 2012

Who's Your Mommy?

A few years ago, a favorite line for stand-up comics was, "Who's Your Daddy"? Why do you suppose "Who's Your Mommy?" never caught on? Because most people have no doubt who their "Mommy" is. She is the person who carried you through discomfort and apprehension during pregnancy. She gave you birth through unimaginable pain. She swaddled you. She fed you and held you protectively in her arms next to her heart, while showering you with baby kisses. You don't forget something like that, making a child's bond to his or her mother almost unbreakable.

What does this have to do with Tribal Art? 

Mother's Day is May 13, just days away. This is your opportunity to respond to her love with an act of love of your own. Our online gallery of Native American Jewelry has a large selection of beautiful inlaid Navajo pendants and other gifts of superb artistry and exquisite beauty. Most appropriate for this purpose among them are sterling silver heart designs, reflecting the heart-o-heart connection each of us shares with our mothers.

If you visit the website, you can see them all. If a heart doesn't strike your fancy, there are many other designs, each gorgeous in its own way. 

Order between now and Mother's Day, and we will discount our purchase price by 15%. Simply enter the code "Tribal Artery" in the comments space on the secure online order form, or mention it to us when you call in your secure order. 1-800-305-0185

It's just our opinion, but of all the special days of the year, none is more significant than Mother's Day. Love you, Mom, where ever you are.

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