Monday, June 27, 2011

Another happy customer

An interesting aspect of doing business on line is that customers have to take us at our word that we are are presenting Zuni fetish carvings accurately, and that, when their Tribal Art purchase arrives it will satisfy them. In a retail store or gallery, the customer can pick it up and hold it before deciding to buy. He or she can't do that on line.

It helps when the seller can guarantee satisfaction. We do. After all, even if the item is described and pictured 100% perfectly, when the buyer holds in his or her hands, if may not live up to expectations. So we guarantee that the item will satisfy or we will refund the buyer's purchase price.

That makes it all the more gratifying when we receive a note like this one.

"Hi Susanne,

The carving arrived today in perfect condition!

It does look exactly like the photo on your web side, however holding it and seeing it in reality and knowing - this is mine now - is quite a wonderful experience.
This carving is such an outstanding masterpiece and I was very touched when I was holding it in my hands.

Thanks a lot for your prompt delivery and I can surely recommend your address to others, who are sharing the same passion for this kind of art!"

Thanks for sharing our gratitude.

William & Susanne Waites

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