Sunday, June 07, 2009

Tribal Art - Stolen Objects Alert

As members of the Antique Tribal Art Dealers Association, we receive alerts whenever there is a report of stolen objects.

We have just learned of thefts from a shipment from New York to San Francisco. Photos of the missing objects have been posted to the ATADA website page designated for that purpose.

If you encounter any of these objects in your dealings with collectors, dealers or individuals wanting to sell them, please notify the San Francisco police department.

Do not be tempted to buy any of these items. They are stolen merchandise. Having stolen merchandise in your possession is a crime and the items may be confiscated by authorities. There is no statute of limitations concerning stolen goods in the USA according to the ATADA.

This alert is brought to you by Aboriginals: Art of the First Person with websites for African tribal art and Australian Aboriginal art at, for Native American jewelry at, for Native American Pueblo Pottery at and for Zuni and other American Indian fetish carvings at

Thank you.

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