Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Wilson Romero Cochiti carved Nativity Set

How fitting is this for the season?

We just received a newly carved Nativity set from Cochiti Pueblo carver, Wilson Romero.

We have carried Wilson's Nativity Sets and other carvings for years.

He and his wife, Annette, are two of our favorite artists. We are regular visitors to their home on Cochiti Pueblo, where they are very gracious hosts.

This new set is some of his best work.12 pieces are included: Mary, Joseph, Jesus in the crib, three wise men, a buffalo, horse, bear, ram, camel and mountain lion.

We have just posted it to the web site at $660. If you purchase it this Christmas season and mention seeing it on the blog, you can put in your home for just $550 plus shipping (and tax, if you are a Florida resident) a $110 saving.

Thank you for your support this year. We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy, prosperous New Year.

William and Susanne Waites, proprietors,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Hi there,
    Nice site. you commented on mine a little while ago. You mentioned that you might be interested in translating your site. I'm bilingual so I do my own translating but many people aren't. Before I took on the task of translating my site (which is time consuming) I checked out several programs that do it automatically. Google I believe has one that's like a widget. For plain everyday language they are pretty good. In my case I needed specific terminology for music and it just flopped: So, I had to consume time and do it for myself. Your site is pretty straight foward. If you do install one of those programs, I'd be glad to check it for accuracy once its installed. Let me know.
    Kind regards,Robert
