Wednesday, December 03, 2008

How and why Native American Nativity Sets have a place in the home and the heart.

(All the Nativity Sets featured in this article are offered at 10% discount until Christmas Day. The reduction will be removed from the listed price at the time your order is processed.)

Despite the increasing secularization of the Christmas holidays, from xmas trees to frosty snowmen to solstice promotions, one event remains at the core of Christmas celebrations.

Without the birth of the Christ child, there would be no Christmas. There could easily be a Festivus and Winter Carnivals. But would they have the deep spiritual connection with adherents that Christmas does. It’s doubtful. I find it hard to get excited about the first day of winter. How about you?

Whether you accept this premise or not, you can understand that for the faithful the power of Christmas emanates from the magic and majesty of the babe’s appearance in a humble manger that night.

Little wonder then that the Nativity scene has become such an enduring and beloved symbol of Christmas. How did it all begin? Legend has it that St. Francis conceived the idea of a manger scene to honor the birth of Christ.

Of course, depictions in art of the event go back before the 1200s, when St Francis is said to have first created a nativity scene with animals and people. That was the supposed beginning of a tableau tradition that reached out across the seas, over the centuries and among cultures to appear in Christmas celebrations around the world.

Nativities became integral parts of family celebrations and, indeed, in some ways, part of the family. Manger scenes have different names in different cultures. Creche (France), Crib (England), Krippe (Germany), Presepio (Italy), Belem (Portugal), Szopka (Poland) and Nacimento (Spanish) are among the words used to describe Nativity scenes.

The latter term migrated with the Spanish Catholic missionaries into the American Southwest in the 18th Century, where Native Americans adopting Christian beliefs picked it up. It was used alternatively with the English language word, “Nativity”, to refer to displays representing and recreating the event and place of Jesus’ birth.

This, in turn, evolved into miniature Nativity sets created by Native American artists. They feature Mary, Joseph and Jesus in the company of beasts, shepherds, wise men and, occasional angels,. These usually are formed in pottery. They take on the style and artistic tradition of the potter’s tribal background.

Andrew Rodriquez of Laguna does typically abstract presentations.

Margaret Mirabel and Juanita Martinez of Taos
do more realistic figures.

Santa Clara potters, such as Paul & Dorothy
Gutierrez, Rose Brown, Maxine Naranjo,
adhere to their distinctive clays and slips
of their pueblo.

Annette Romero of Cochiti has her own
unique style.

The potters of Jemez; Sabaquie,
Marie Toya
, Trujillo and the Fraguas,
create Nativity sets in the common
coloration and clay for which
their pueblo is known.

The Fraguas, Jay, Linda and Felicia,
step out even further, creating Nativity
sets around creatures such as bears and mice.

This is not an act of disrespect, although it may reflect the mixed reverence that Native Americans have in regard to Christianity. It is, more likely, a blending of Native beliefs in nature and a Native sense of humor about the superhuman character of Nativity stories.

In any event, they are unique smile-makers representing an event that is all about joy.

In addition to pottery sets, Native American carvers are creating Nativities from carved materials.

Wilson Romero of Cochiti creates
rough cut Nativity figures from
stone and rocks found on the
ground of his pueblo.

Zuni, Troy Sice, carves Nativity figures
from antler.

Many traditions surround Nativity set displays. Some owners add pieces as the Christmas season progresses, timing the additions to the legendary Christmas calendar. Others reserve Christmas Eve for placing the babe in the scene. Families have been known to collect Nativity sets piece by piece over a number of years. The buyer of a Native American Nativity set, however, gets the entire set in one purchase.

There are protocols associated with the display according to some experts. The typical set has a minimum of five pieces. Included are Mary, Joseph, Jesus and two more animals. The wise men make another three pieces. There can be one or more shepherds in addition to or in the place of the wise men. Sometimes the babe and cradle are one piece. Sometimes they are separate pieces. We have owned and sold Nativity sets with as many as 17 pieces, made up mostly of secondary figures, such as animals.

Positioning the members of the set generally starts with the Christ Child as the centerpiece. Closest to him is Mary, his mother. Joseph is usually placed close to the babe but on the other side from Mary. According to one source, Joseph may also be placed away from Jesus, looking in the opposite direction, representing the aspect of doubt in Christian faith. Secondary figures, such as wise men (kings) and shepherds, should be placed in concentric circles behind the Holy Family, with the shepherds closest because they were on the scene before the arrival of the Wise Men. Animals should be placed near the babe, reflecting the humbleness of his birth. Angels, if included, are usually placed above or behind he Holy Family.

Most of all, the Nativity Set is a personal celebration of the birth of Christ and a reflection of the faith and artistic appreciation of the owners. Display it in your home as you see fit.


The author, William ErnestWaites, thanks and acknowledges the following articles, which were used in researching this subject;;;;;

Please note that the links above connect to enlarged presentations of Nativity Sets by those artists.


  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Thank you for so much information and for showing us such lovely Nativity Sets. My favorite is the one by Andrew Rodriquez.

  2. Very interesting article, and very interesting and informative blog. I'm sure I'll be coming back.

  3. Anonymous6:43 PM

    hi thanks for visiting my blog and giving a nice comment..i have visited your website and blog and i love those native carvings..My brother is a wood carver and he is really a good can check his work also at ..God Bless

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Interesting article. The set by Maxine Naranjo looks very traditional.

  5. Anonymous3:35 AM

    very interesting and informative blog, Nativity figures Zuni, Troy Sice looks nice.

  6. Thanks for posting this information about Native nativity sets. It's fascinating to see the creativity emerge within the form. Your photographs are excellent and informative as well. I'll visit again....the last post on fetishes looks really cool too.

  7. The art is beautiful. I am not a Christian; however anyone can appreciate the beauty of the sets.

  8. Anonymous3:39 AM

    All the artworks are really beautiful, thanks for sharing with us.

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