Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Stolen Art Alert

The University of British Columbia's Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver has reported the theft of 12 works of art by Native artist Bill Reid, including a gold box with Haida designs, surmounted by a sculptured eagle.

Reid died in 1998 after years of renown as a Haida artist. He was considered one of Canada's most significant artists, with four of his works appearing on the Canadian $20 bill.

(An earlier issue tribalartery featured works by Reid that were on exhibit in Santa Fe at the time of the Indian Market.)

If you hear or see anything about these stolen works, please contact the University of British Columbia or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

These are not just national treasures. They are world treasures. They must be found and returned before their gold content encourages the thieves to melt them down.

Thank you. William Ernest Waites.

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