Sunday, August 06, 2006

With Taos to Taos

In two days time, we will depart by Honda Element for Santa Fe. We will be accompanied by our beloved “Taos”, a retired (rescued) greyhound. That's her sitting with Susanne at a recent doggy day on Sanibel Island.

We have anguished over how to handle her transport and lodging en route. Since we will be on the road for three days, we want her to be comfortable, but safe. We started out with a cage, and did a little rehearsal, but that spooked her too much – despite the fact that racing greyhounds are raised in cages.

Then we tried a harness bungied to the sides of the compartment. That spooked her even more. So we decided we would just put her bed on compartment floor and hope for the best.

We were lucky to find a rental in Santa Fe that accepts renters with a dog. And we found an online service, that lists motels that allow dogs. So we think we have ourselves – and Taos – handled. Copyright 2006 Aboriginals :Art of the First Person

We will start our blog messages with our first day on the road, assuming some of you might be interested in how it goes.

Once we get there, we have applied for a press pass so that we can get the inside skinny. If that fails, we will give our “man-in-the-street” impressions.

Incidentally, Taos is another charming New Mexico town about one hour north of Santa Fe. We undoubtedly will make a side trip there. It is the home of the oldest continuously inhabited multistory community in North America, the Taos Pueblo. It also was home to a ski lodge that Susanne and I owned, and our son managed, in Taos Ski Valley. We’ll be eager to see what has changed in this town where time moves very slowly.

Also incidentally, if you have any interest in adopting (rescuing) one of these wonderful creatures, take a visit to Second Chance for . This is an excellent portal for adoption . I can assure you that you will never have a more docile, loving pet. Or one that bonds more quickly. We have had four over the last ten years.

Watch for our future blogs from Santa Fe Indian Market. You also can visit our websites at ZuniLink and Native American Jewelry. We will have most of that inventory with us and will be able to fulfill from Santa Fe.
Copyright 2006 Aboriginals:Art of the First Person

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