Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Another place to find tribal art

Yo Tribal art fans:

We recently discovered another site that accepts 'free' listings of tribal art offerings (and other items). It's

We have posted a number of items - and probably will post more when we get a chance. Included are some major African pieces and some Alaskan walrus ivory and whalebone carvings. There are even a Tohono O'dham basket and a Seminole basket.

Whether you are a buyer or a seller, I encourage you to visit We need to support alternatives to monoliths like eBay.

Other items of interest include the pottery of Wayne Snowbird of Santa Clara. We first encountered Wayne's work under the portale of the Governor's Palace in Santa Fe. We were struck by the grace and elegance of his figurative pottery pieces. On our last trip to Santa Clara, we met Wayne in his home and were able to acquire pieces fresh from the firing. They are posted at

Our friend, Salvador Romero of Cochiti continues to produce fetish carvings in his unique style. Whenever we visit Cochiti, we stop by to see Salvador, his mother (a very sweet matriarch), his brother, Wilson and Wilson's wife, Annette Romero, who does very desirable pottery nativities. We hope to acquire more of this talented family's work in the near future.

We'll be sending some more information in our next blog. Meantime, to subscribe to this blog, so that all you have to do to read future postings is click on the blog link on your computer, click on the Site Feed link at the bottom of the sidebar to the right. It will tell you how to subscribe to this and other blogs that you may discover.

We'll be trolling for your eyes next time around.

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